Janet Schofield
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- SPN Mentor
Professor Schofield has research interests in the effect of computers on classroom social processes, school desegregation, and intergroup relations. She has also recently been studying factors influencing student retention in college. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association (Divisions 8, 9, 15, and 48) and the American Educational Research Association. She received the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize for her book "Black and White in School" and has served on boards and committees at the National Academy of Sciences as well as on APA's Council of Representatives. Her work on desegregation has been cited in the opinions of justices of the U.S. Supreme Court as well as in social science statements submitted to the Supreme Court. She is currently serving as a Professor and Senior Advisor at Royal Thimphu College in Bhutan.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Intergroup Relations
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Hawley, W. D., Crain, R. L., Rossell, C. H., Smylie, M. A., Fernandez, R. R., Schofield, J. W., Tompkins, R., Trent, W. T., & Zlotnik, M. S. (1983). Strategies for effective desegregation: Lessons from research. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath.
- Schofield, J. W. (2006). Migration background, minority-group membership and academic achievement. Berlin, Germany: Social Science Research Center. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung). [Also published in German as Migrationshintergrund, Minderheitenzugehörigkeit und Bildungserfolg.]
- Schofield, J. W. (1995). Computers and classroom culture. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Schofield, J. W. (1982). Black and white in school: Trust tension or tolerance? New York: Praeger. [A revised and updated edition of this book was published by Teachers' College Press in 1989.]
- Schofield, J. W., & Davidson, A. L. (2002). Bringing the Internet to school: Lessons from an urban district. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Journal Articles:
- Hausmann, L. R.M., Schofield, J. W., & Woods, R. L. (2007). Sense of belonging as a predictor of intentions to persist among African American and White first-year college students. Research in Higher Education, 48(7), 803-839.
- Schofield, J. W. (2010). International evidence on ability grouping with curriculum differentiation and the achievement gap in secondary schools. Teachers College Record, 112 (5), 1490-1526.
- Schofield, J. W., & Hausmann, L. R. M. (2004). School desegregation and social science research. American Psychologist, 59(6), 538-546.
- Schofield, J. W., Yee, F. F. ,Hausmann, L. R. M., & Woods, R. (in press). Intergroup friendships on campus: Predicting close and casual friendships between white and African-American first-year college students. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Other Publications:
- Linn, R. L., Borman, K. M., Haertel, E. H., Hanushek, E. A., Schofield, J. W., Trent, W. T., Welner, K. G., & Chi, W. (2007). Race-conscious policies for assigning students to schools: Social science research and the Supreme Court cases. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education.
- Schofield, J. W. (2006). Internet use in schools: Promise and problems. In R. K. Sawyer (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (pp. 521-534). New York: Cambridge University Press. [Chinese language edition is in press and Japanese edition is planned.]
- Schofield, J. W. (2007). Increasing the generalizability of qualitative research. In M. Hammersley (Ed.), Educational research and evidence-based practice (pp. 181-203). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Schofield, J. W. (2006). Realizing the Internet’s educational potential. In J. Weiss, J. Nolan, J. Hunsinger, & P. Trifonas (Eds.), Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments (pp. 301-327). The Netherlands: Springer.
- Schofield, J.W. (2006). The colorblind perspective in school: Causes and consequences. In J.A. Banks & C.A. McGee Banks (Eds.) Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (6th ed., pp. 271-295). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Schofield, J. W. (2004). Fostering positive intergroup relations in schools. In J. A. Banks & C. A. McGee Banks (Eds), Handbook of research on multicultural education (2nd ed., pp. 799-812). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Courses Taught:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Introduction to Social Psychology
- Personality and Social Structure
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Research Methods in Social Psychology
Janet Schofield
Department of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
United States of America
- Phone: (412) 624-7473
- Fax: (412) 624-7058